When the first teasers for Rogue One came out the tank trooper became my instant favorite …so much so that as of 2020 I had completed 6 of them, one from every armor maker selling a kit and a couple of 3D printed version. Something about this character just caught my attention…more so than the shore trooper.
I needed to have this so much that I tracked down a maker in Canada who had show his resin cast online- it was end of November and I flew from Beijing to Vancouver after ordering 3 kits – I met the guy at my hotel just to realize that even with empty suitcases it would not fit as is. A quick trip to the local home depot in the morning to purchase a dremel and an afternoon in the hotel bathroom cuting away so that it could all fit in for the travel back.
This was a 3 days roundtrip to get the armor kit so that I could build and finish it for the China Red Carpet premiere 10 days later ! what we do for passion !