
The Legion 501st is a worldwide costuming group that focuses in building accurate movie replica costumes from the Star Wars Universe and particularly the empire – the baddies. The Rebel Legion is its equivalent for …the Rebels. I started my journey in 2009 and eventually officially joined in 2012 when I got my matriculation number ( TKID) 20100 and officially became a trooper.

Evidently we do not “fight” – we support, we help, we do good for various charities, locally and globally. We do so when we “troop” – that is when we participate to events in costume to help bring awareness and raise funds for said charities.

Some of us, organize, some of us participate, some of us donate; some of us do all of the above and more BUT the intend is the same: bring smiles and support the community.

Trooping can be done as part of a massive organization and sometimes it can be two people only. Sometimes it is self-organized, sometimes it is part of a larger plot. Regardless it always happens in costume for the viewing pleasure of the public young and not so young anymore.