Training Ball…ish
I printed the files for the training ball; recieved it and put aside for a while. As soon as I got a few hours free, I jumoped right into it …
I printed the files for the training ball; recieved it and put aside for a while. As soon as I got a few hours free, I jumoped right into it …
The amazing things we can do when we have access to well designed 3D files AND an SL450 3D printer. In this case printing a complete pitt droid that can …
I started this as an accurate replica but decided for a custom paint job at the last minute; partially because I wanted to use new found weathering skills on a …
The most underrated droid: Gonk – yes it is arguably a battery on feet BUT it powers ships and helps you go from A-to-B …AND its easy to understand : …
Bought a kit, nothing too complicated but I thought it would be a great accessory to add to my tank trooper, of any rebel , or imperials for that matter. …
uring a visit to Singapore I saw a legion mate with one such backpack, hard shell custom paint. Back in Shanghai my CO also had a hard shell backpack ( …
3P0 is not my favorite droid…not even R2 ; if you ask me I much prefer K2S0 from Rogue One or chopper from Rebels animated series. That being said the …
A rtadition dating back to ancient Rome, the challenge coin serves to show you belong to something special…in my case the 501st legion. They exist at the legion, detachment, garrison …
From 2013 – 2016 I spent a lot of time traveling between Beijing and Shanghai for various 501st/Disney events; mostly TK in these days; a couple as Darth Vader…many ( …
Andor TV show is making history as the least divisive modern star wars story. Everyone seems to only have praises and the costume design department truly outdid itself with the …