Halloween at the French School in Beijing meant that kids were allowed to dress up… and I decided I was going to be part of the fun.
Morning drop-off as Casual Friday Vader…kiddo seams happy enough and major WTH face on that lady ! It’s 7.55 AM in the center of Beijing so I guess it’s warranted.
Afternoon Pick-up: I go full on Vader ( thanks to a mate from the Singapore Garrison acting as a helper) I dress up in a parking near buy then go stand at the gate… Inside the school kids go mental; outside parents either look at me as that weirdo or smile and come take pictures. 5 minutes before they open the gate, Staff comes to ask me to take the helmet off because they need to see that I am indeed a parent ( fair enough) BUT parent next to me gives a rebuke ” C’mon it’s Darth ! don’t destroy a myth !” – I spot my wife there; I decide to leave with the helmet on… there are some characters you simply do not take the bucket off.
Also last time my kid agreed that I’d go with her to school dressed as SW character !