Alex’s Bday Singapore 2018
What a treat to go to Singapore invited by a good friend and dellow 501st to delebrate his 50th in an luxurious and extravagant bash… What a host !
What happens when I dress up
What a treat to go to Singapore invited by a good friend and dellow 501st to delebrate his 50th in an luxurious and extravagant bash… What a host !
Another premiere in Shanghai Disney, lucky enough to appear on Ryan Johnson’s official Instagram. And yes it is Mark smiling at the wookiee sitting front row.
Supporting M-A-W right here in China for their first foundraiser- Wookiee is out
The GM of the Opposite House Beijing is a fan and wanted to do something special for May the Fourth 2013… we also happened to be connected through mutual friends …
This was a tough event… landed back from Vancouver a mere 10 days before and having toi complete the assembly and painting of my first tank trooper on time was …
After 14 years in Beijing, I moved to Shanghai. A mere 3 months after I moved and Comic Con is back in town… and the wookiee is out again. Two …
Comic con comes to Beijing and I am taking the wookiee out for an official first troop; for good measure I also made EP7 Han Solo. Of course I do …
I flew back to Beijing, I could not wait to watch the movie with my 501st mates. They organized a pre-screening the night before official opening night; open to 501st …