December 16th 2016 : EPVII premiere in Brussels – I must admit that it had been a long time sincxe I got excited about a movie and it did not desapoint. I flew to Belgium for Christmas, called up Martin who had already joined me in another SW crazies by metting us at Essen for Celebration Europe II a couple of years before. We got ticket for Brussels opening night. I could not take my full armor with me so I ordered just the top part kit and had it delivered in Belgium for me to build before the show.
Turn out that a very sharp knife, a huge jetlag and an over-enthusiastic fan do not mix well and I ended up at the ER with 9 stiches in my upper leg when “I slipped”… But the movie was worth all the wait and pain… funny thing, in Brussels they still have “entract” – right in the middle of the movie they shut it down for 10 minutes to sell bloody candies !!!! is it 1980 ???