For good measure I also met up with my best friend and his family, just as when we were kids, we went to our local town movie theater- very very old school; everything about it was just as when I was 12: the tickets !!! the room, the seats, the “smell”, the ice-cream lady…and the movie dubbed in French ! That was probably the most challenging for me, but to be there again with my best mate and his kids, priceless.
Another important note; my city used to have two movie theater and I first saw Empire in the other one which by now has been closed. If Empire introduced me to the SWU, it is ROTJ that really sealed the deal for me and I saw it ALONE in this very same theater. I was so messmerized that at the end, I hid under my coat/seat… I am sure they saw me but I did A second screening right there and then…