I had to wait 4 years to come back to Tokyo Comic Con and I must say I was both extremely exited to meet the people who helped me so much in 2019 and at the same time worried that the curse would not be lifted… but it was and the con was a huge success. It was amazing to see so many fans lining up to take pictures with their favorite Star Wars character…it baffles me that the organizers do not support with a bigger space because this was a true show stopper.
Funny enough as soon as I hit the airport , I was stopped by a local TV crew for an interview and what I thought would be a 5 minutes one turned into a 30 minutes discussion on Comic Con, Star Wars and costume making. Other notable event , the saturday night gathering – good food, great people lots of fun – Tokyo Comic Con is definitely on my list for next year again !
I kitted in my Zombie 01 that I had left in 2019 – and eventually decided to leave again there as my defacto costume for Japan… way too much fun interacting with the crowd.