I love going to Tokyo Comic-Con. It’s probably the best convention in the Asia-Pacific region, and the 501st Legion is incredibly welcoming. The event is well organized, and there are convenient places to change, which is important in a crowded convention setting. The crowd is a lot of fun to interact with, and the show itself is always diverse, offering so many great things to see. However, it’s really the people that I enjoy meeting each year.
This year, I brought out my Zombie TK costume for a day because it’s still my favorite and allows me to engage with the general public. When I wasn’t in the Zombie TK, I showcased my Hando Solo costume, which I significantly improved since Celebration London. I got a new, more accurate vest, a better-fitting pair of pants, and a belt rig that I didn’t have in 2023.
I also debuted my Zombie One-Kenobi costume at the show. This was somewhat of a “hold my beer” moment. About a year ago, I was discussing zombie costumes with some friends, and the name “Zombie One Kenobi” came up. I found it so amusing that I decided to create the costume for fun. Since I enjoy doing these quirky projects, I eventually built a full Jedi costume and repurposed a silicone zombie mask I had, adding hair and a beard. I even got a new lightsaber to match the costume’s theme.
My only regret with that particular build is that the silicone mask is too heavy and thick to allow for proper facial movement, and it also puts a lot of strain on the back of my head. This limits me to wearing it for only 15 to 20 minutes at a time, which isn’t enough to truly embody the character and interact with the public. Regardless, it was an incredibly fun costume to create, and the event was amazing. I can’t wait for Celebration Japan at the same venue!